Incoming Ingredient
& Process Water
Providing: Clarification, Purification, & Microbial Stability

Critical to Product Quality

Treatment of municipal or ground water for use in food and beverage products requires close attention to particulate filtration.  Particulate substances, colloids, and microbes in source water will degrade the clarity, purity, and consistency of the finished foods and beverages.  Endoer's wide range of offerings delivers piece-of-mind that quality of water used in your production operations meets the highest levels of clarity and purity.


AquaDoer™ Series Water Grade PES Pleated Filter Cartridges
AquaDoer™ PES series polyethersulfone (PES) pleated filter cartridges provide general-purpose micronic and submicronic particulate retention along with unsurpassed economy. The optimized EFA and pleat configuration allows openn...