IAPMO Certification

June-2024 / Endoer is pleased to announce that it has completed a product certification program at IAPMO to certify numerous families and hundreds of filtration products under NSF/ANSI Standards 42, 50, & 372. At present, these certifications are published in the name of Endoer's parent company, Hangzhou Darlly. These certifications include several "ANF" listings for several key worldwide brands for which we are the manufacturer.
IAPMO (the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials) is a community of plumbing experts. They play a vital role in ensuring access to clean water and sanitation. Their consensus-based model code development process involves contractors, engineers, manufacturers, and researchers. They develop and enforce codes for water safety and sanitation, emphasizing that clean water is a fundamental right. Additionally, IAPMO provides product certification, education, and quality assurance programs.