Polyester(PET )

Polyester is a rugged, durable media and offers additional temperature tolerance versus PP.
  • E-PEP … A more economical series, in 68mm and 115mm OD sizes.
  • E-PE … general grade all polyester construction
  • E-EPP-S … A 2.6” (66mm) OD style for tight spacing offered in continuous lengths.
  • E-EPP-W … water grade, 2.6” (66mm) OD for the greatest economy


E-PEP series polyester pleated depth media cartridges
Endoer E-PEP series polyester pleated depth media cartridges provide efficient micronic retention of particulate in applications with operating temperatures up to 38°C (100°F). They are a fine choice when the need is for an eco...
E-PE series polyester pleated depth media cartridges
Endoer E-PE series polyester pleated depth media cartridges provide efficient micronic and submicronic retention of particulate in applications with operating temperatures up to 113°C (235°F). They are an ideal choice when the ...